Saturday, May 17, 2008

Letter to Susan Davis-Draft 1

Madison Cahill
May 14, 2008

Susan Davis
Representative 53rd District
4305 University Avenue
San Diego, CA 92105

Dear Susan Davis,

 I am writing to you to inform you of the advantages about switching to renewable energy. But I would first like to thank you for all that you have done for us. Trying to help us in our education, our environment, our health, and just trying to make the world a better place for us to live in. I just want to thank you and show you great gratitude for that. But as the rest of your cases, I’m sure people have spoke up to you and asked you to help them with problems that are going on in our community and in our world. Just as those people spoke to you about their problems, I would like to write to you about mine. My case is a case about renewable energy. Since my fellow classmates and I are going to be part of the future, we want to be able to have the same environment that we have today. Because we ant our children, grandchildren, and so on, have a beautiful environment also.
Switching to renewable energy has a lot of benefits. Like our future will be a cleaner, prettier place. And also things like we won’t have to struggle to survive without non-renewable energy sources because by switching to renewable energy sources, we won’t be using up a lot of nonrenewable sources, leaving enough for future generations.
If we don’t switch to renewable energy sources now, our world will start peeling apart. Starting with the polar bears and penguins. Their environment will be destroyed, causing them to become extinct. We want all of our animal species to stay forever, so the future generations will be able to experience and learn about these animals. But after global warming strikes the animals, it will harm humans. Not like physically hurting us, but I mean like people with asthma. The air will change and not be so clean which will make living and breathing harder for people with athsma.
So I just wanted to inform you about the trouble that this is going to make to our world. I hope that you will consider doing something about this because I’m sure that people in the future will thank you greatfully.

Sincerely, Madison Cahill

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